Thursday, February 06, 2025
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Project: "Following the Disinformation"

Following the Disinformation

From September to December of 2020, the International Centre for Geopolitical Studies in partnership with "Prodemos" foundation, carried out a project "Following the Disinformation".

The aim of this project was to reveal Russia's new disinformation narratives to society groups for  Georgia's Parliamentary Elections  2020 and inform population about it. At the same time discerning population's attitude towards Georgia's partner countries and Euro-Atlantic integration.

The organization prepared a special questionnaire and with it surveyed 6 target/groups of the population in the regions; simultaneously, throughout the project, in response to the disinformation spread through mass information and other means, were recorded special  short video-clips addressed by qualified experts, representatives of state institutions, or partner countries ambassadors, after which those videos were uploaded to social networks.

617 people participated in the survey. Among them, were the IDP from Abkhazia region, residents of Pankisi Valley, Kvemo Kartli, Shida Kartli, Adjara, and Kakheti.

Through the analysis of the received answers, were revealed those hopes and concerns that Georgia's population has towards Georgia and its partners. How the disinformation influenced Georgia's population, towards which countries population's trust has increased, and towards whom it decreased. The answers of the survey also revealed that, at the moment, in Georgia's regions there is still low level of information regarding the NATO, EU and Georgia's partner countries.

At the conclusion of the project, according to the received results, was displayed a presentation which was shown for discussion. Through the Zoom platform were discussed the presentation and project results. Presentation was attended by Georgia's state institutions' representatives, civil society members, and students from various universities.

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