Wednesday, October 23, 2024
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Expert Exchange Seminar - Institutional Arrangements and Inclusivity in Peace Processes: Northern Ireland’s Power Sharing Case

კExpert Exchange Seminar - Institutional Arrangements and Inclusivity in Peace Processes: Northern Ireland’s Power Sharing Case

On December 9th, 2021, a closed-door seminar was held in Tbilisi, Georgia, for targeted Georgian representatives of the expert, civil society and political fields. The event acted as a follow-up to the previous seminar organized in Tbilisi on October 26th, 2021.

During the day, participants were able to listen to presentations and exchange with speakers from Northern Ireland who had been directly involved in the peace process. Invited experts shared their insights and experiences of the interaction between political actors and civil society in Northern Ireland’s post-Good Friday agreement. Guided by an expert from the Causeway Institute for Peacebuilding and Conflict Resolution (CIPCR), participants were invited to look closer at the historical period that led to the signing of the Good Friday agreement and the establishment of power-sharing in Northern Ireland. Participants were then exposed to the main principles and mechanisms of Northern Ireland’s power sharing system by an official representative of the Northern Ireland Executive. During the second half of the day, participants benefited from the views of speakers – politicians from various parties, as well as women activists, sometimes formerly involved in politics – all involved in the negotiations and the implementation of the Good Friday agreement. This represented a unique opportunity for participants and speakers to discuss and reflect on the successes, challenges, and lessons learned from the Northern Ireland peace process. The event was concluded by a session dedicated to a joint group reflection on the experience of Northern Ireland, both when it comes to best practices and lessons learned.


Beyond Rigid Formats: Lessons Learnt from International Practices

Beyond Rigid Formats: Lessons Learnt from International Practices

On November 5-7, 2021a closed-door workshop was held in Borjomi – Likani Georgia for representatives from different agencies of the Georgian Government. For three days, participants benefited from the insights and experiences shared by speakers from Northern Ireland who had been directly involved in the peace process and reconciliation efforts.

The invited experts provided the group with information on the history of the Northern Ireland conflict, the different stages of the peace process, the use of informal platforms (including backchannels), as well as the meaningful inclusion of civil society – in particular women organizations – in the peace process. Participants had the chance to directly exchange with experts on each topic, on their respective successes and challenges. Specific sessions were dedicated to reflecting and learning from the experience in Northern Ireland, both when it comes to best practices and lessons learned.


Project: "Following the Disinformation"

Following the Disinformation

From September to December of 2020, the International Centre for Geopolitical Studies in partnership with "Prodemos" foundation, carried out a project "Following the Disinformation".

The aim of this project was to reveal Russia's new disinformation narratives to society groups for  Georgia's Parliamentary Elections  2020 and inform population about it. At the same time discerning population's attitude towards Georgia's partner countries and Euro-Atlantic integration.


Project: "Online Discussions in Response to Russian Propaganda"

Project Online Discussions in Response to Russian Propaganda

During the Covid -19 pandemic, when the whole world's effort was aimed towards fighting the virus, the Russian disinformation against Georgia and its partners got especially stronger.

During April 30 - June 30, 2020 the International Centre for Geopolitical Studies held the project "Online Discussions in Response to Russian Propaganda". The discussions touched upon topics such as: Georgia's place in modern international relations – foreign relations priorities; economic security and diplomacy; the importance of partnership with international organizations and strategic partners; Russia's foreign policy and soft power, as one of tools for Russian policy implementation; Russian foreign policy and disinformation; cyber-threats coming from Russia and ways to prevent them.


Project: NATO's - Success Story 2019

Project NATOs - Success Story 2019

During 2019 International Centre for Geopolitical Studies in cooperation NATO Liaison Office in Georgia has implemented a new project: "NATO's Success Story" - countries before, and after Joining the Alliance, security guaranties and obligation regarding the Alliance.

General aim of the project was raising civil awareness regarding NATO through holding public lectures and discussions with representatives of NATO Liaison office, Ambassadors of NATO allied countries Georgian officials and experts.


Workshop on Pease Process: "ceasefire agreements and it's monitoring mechanisms"

Workshop on Pease Process: ceasefire agreements and its monitoring mechanisms

On 25-27 October 2019 4 rd workshop on Pease Process held in Katchreti Ambassadori, Georgia. The workshop was focused on ceasefire mechanisms and monitoring in peace processes, with lessons learned from international experiences. The workshop were  benefited from the participation of international experts who had directly involved in ceasefire and monitoring processes.


Project: NATO - Success Story of Development

Project: NATO - Success Story of Development

On 10 of October 2018 International Centre for Geopolitical Studies  in cooperation NATO Liaison Office in Georgia started a new project: "NATO-Success Story of Development"- NATO, the History of Successful Transformation: countries before, and after Joining the Alliance, security guaranties and obligation regarding the Alliance.

General aim of the project was raising civil awareness regarding NATO through holding public lectures and discussions with representatives of NATO Liaison office, Ambassadors of NATO allied countries Georgian officials and experts.


Handbook for Military attaché and civil representatives of Ministry of Defense

Handbook for Military attaché and civil representatives of Ministry of Defense

Davit Agmashenebeli National Defence Academy of MOD Georgia published handbook for Military attaché and civil representatives of Ministry of Defense. The handbook was written by experts of ICGS.

The handbook focused legislative base, specific issues of  diplomatic correspondence and etiquette of  defense attachés and representatives of MOD to the foreign country.


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